Investigating 'The Trauma Beat' on The Social In the News, The Trauma BeatTamara CherryJune 1, 2023The Trauma Beat, Trauma-Informed Journalism
What this longtime crime reporter says the news media gets wrong in covering tragedy In the NewsTamara CherryMay 16, 2023In the News, Trauma-Informed Journalism, Moral Injury
Op-Ed: The Trauma of Reporting on True Crime In the NewsTamara CherryMay 10, 2023Op-Ed, Vicarious Trauma, Moral Injury, Trauma-Informed Journalism
Tamara Cherry joins Jeff Sammut to discuss trauma and the media The Trauma Beat, In the NewsTamara CherryMay 3, 2023Trauma-Informed Journalism, Vicarious Trauma, Moral Injury, The Trauma Beat
Listen: Pickup Communications founder asks listeners: What do you want from crime stories? In the NewsTamara CherryAugust 4, 2021Radio, Trauma-Informed Journalism
Listen: Tamara Cherry discusses the impact of the media on trauma survivors with Dahlia Kurtz In the NewsTamara CherryJuly 20, 2021Interview, In the News, Trauma-Informed Journalism, Trauma
Listen: Tamara Cherry discusses the impact of trauma on journalists with Jim Richards In the NewsTamara CherryJuly 8, 2021Interview, Trauma-Informed Journalism, Trauma
Watch: Victims, Survivor & the Media: Pickup Communications founder discusses findings from study at national journalism conference NewsTamara CherryJune 4, 2021Presentation, Research, Trauma-Informed Training, Trauma-Informed Journalism, Homicide, Mass, Self-Care
Politicians interviewing survivors should be trauma-informed, Pickup Communications founder says Tamara CherryMay 8, 2021In the News, Trauma-Informed Journalism, Trauma-Informed Training
Watch: Pickup Communications on CBC's Canada Tonight — Why a Toronto judge got it right when she refused to name a mass killer In the NewsTamara CherryMarch 4, 2021Mass Violence, Trauma-Informed Journalism